"So my handle has a typo..."
Is it now? And here I thought it was a creative way of illustrating the point that you're not allowed to be yourself - not even to have your own name the exact way you want it. It's a nice artistic typo, if I may say so.
so my handle has a typo, it is supposed to be never allowed to be myself but i'm okay with that because it is kind of symbolic of my situation.
as a born-in i have always had expectations forced on me, this is what you are to think, feel and do as a jehovah's witness.
my earliest memories involve being upset that i would die at armageddon because i was bad.
"So my handle has a typo..."
Is it now? And here I thought it was a creative way of illustrating the point that you're not allowed to be yourself - not even to have your own name the exact way you want it. It's a nice artistic typo, if I may say so.
i though i'd heard and seen it all.
i guess i was mistaken.
i saw from various social media the the witnesses are holding parties to make memorial bread.
I think we're seeing the religion attempting to go mainstream from the rank and file level. The GB have instituted some cosmetic changes in a bid to make the religion more appealing to young people - Kaleb and Sofia cartoons for the kids; encouraging the use of electronic devices at the meetings; soft-rock and pop music videos on JW broadcast, ...
Many JWs are as a result pushing the envelope in terms of engaging in more liberal behavior that would have been frowned upon decades ago. More and more dubs are taking the religion less religiously and more socially. Memorial bread parties are symptomatic of the phenomenon.
One of two things is going to happen soon:
i saw a 'news' article today about pizza hut (i think) delivering pizzas via a robotic vehicle in nz.
also another article headline saying it is not a question of if, but when.
my immediate thought was, why?
I will say this however. When it comes to artificial intelligence, I believe that such beings should not be physically enabled. They should just be a brain in a box, able only to give information but not perform any physical actions or physically control other systems. Great care needs to be exercised with AI. We already know what humans are capable of. it would be foolish to develop super-smart AIs with free will to act. Just as there is separation for church and state in America, there should be separation of brain and actuation when we're dealing with Artificial Intelligence.
And when I speak of artificial intelligence, I'm not speaking about the illusion of artificial intelligence. I'm speaking of actual Artificial intelligence, as in self-conscious, self-willed intelligent beings.
i saw a 'news' article today about pizza hut (i think) delivering pizzas via a robotic vehicle in nz.
also another article headline saying it is not a question of if, but when.
my immediate thought was, why?
i saw a 'news' article today about pizza hut (i think) delivering pizzas via a robotic vehicle in nz.
also another article headline saying it is not a question of if, but when.
my immediate thought was, why?
1. Greater safety. Most accidents are caused by human error. Remove the human from behind the wheel and you remove - or at least drastically reduce - human error
2. More free time to do other things. Think of the office workers who have long hour long commutes. That hour long drive behind the wheel could be spent doing something else like - working or power napping or something else, while the car drives itself to your destination.
3. Cheaper and more flexible access to transportation. With self driving cars you don't need to know how to drive to own a car or use one by yourself. In fact, owning a car becomes less of a necessity and more of a luxury. How so? Well taxis would become more available and more affordable because there's no human taxi-driver to be paid. Removing the labor cost involved in public transportation would significantly reduce the cost. The cost of insurance will also drop once it becomes obvious that automated self-driven cars are safer. This too will further reduce cost. And because these cars aren't driven by humans you can have 24-hour access to transportation even in countries that don't have 24-hour working days!
When you combine self-driving cars with improvements in GPS technology, a tourist can go to a foreign country and literally go anywhere at anytime without fear of getting lost! Every location will have a GPS address - even homes, and maybe even mail! No more hassles trying to give a taxi driver confusing or complicated directions on how to get to a person's private home. If someone gives you their GPS address, you don't have to worry about how to get there - the GPS-enabled self-driving car will figure it all out. You don't ever have to worry about getting lost! Think of the freedom of travel that opens up for the tourist!
as a born-in jw, i never considered myself to be a fundamentalist.
i always thought we were enlightened, progressive and not 'stuck in darkness' like all the other religions.. i was totally wrong.. as far as fundamentalists go, jw's are probably right up there amongst the front-runners.
no, they do not stone people to death or go on religion-fuelled violent rampages but that's not what i'm talking about.
JWs are self-loathing fundamentalists. By that I mean they are fundamentalists who try to put up a front of moderation and pretend that they are reasonable.
This is clearly seen in their view of the word "Creationist." They scorn the folly of young earth creationists and hide from the reproach and shame of creationism by dishonestly denying that they too are creationists.
To hide from the fact that they too are creationists who believe the equally foolish idea that humans have only been around for 6000 years, they dishonestly play the word game of redefining the word creationist to refer exclusively to young earth creationists.
It's a fundamentalist cult that works hard to present a public image of being balanced and reasonable. They even trick themselves into thinking that they are balanced and reasonable! And it's all done by the use of deceitful linguistics and crafty fallacious reasoning. Example:
"Oh we don't shun members who leave! We just don't associate with them as much because we don't share common interests. They are the ones shunning us! They are the ones who wrote a letter saying they don't want anything to do with us!"
(i never was a dub).. this is something which has intrigued me for a while.
i don't know whether it's dub-speak, or us-speak.. it's the use of the word 'ones' as in 'interested ones', 'worldly ones', 'disfellowshipped ones' and so on and so on.. in the 'normal world' we would probably use the word 'people'.. thoughts?.
hello friends - here is a new area in the kids section of the jw website - learn how to draw rahab.. 1st - she was a prostitute of jericho.
could there be other characters to talk about with our kids?.
2nd - it says "learn how to draw rahab".
alex cooper, a former mormon, offers a terrifying account of being held hostage for eight months in an unlicensed “residential treatment program” modeled on the many “therapeutic” boot camps scattered across utah.. at the mormon run “treatment center” alex was physically and verbally abused.
many days she was forced to stand facing a wall wearing a heavy backpack full of rocks.
she developed sores on her shoulders and cramps in her back.
The OT recommended pelting gays to death with stones. This gay girl was only made to wear a backpack full of stones. That's a step up from the OT prescription, wouldn't you say?
The idiocy and atrocities of religion knows no bounds because once you can get people to accept extreme, outlandish ideas you can also get them to behave in extreme, outlandish ways.